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Inclusive education matters


Inclusive education is the solution to end all challenges that result from gender inequality, and contributes to reducing obstacles for girls living in extreme urban poverty.

Education is key to transforming the lives of Honduran girls. It leads to economic opportunities, access to sexual and reproductive health and a life free from violence.

Girls with access to education grow up to be women who can decide over their own bodies. Girls without any education are 46% more likely to become pregnant. The figures are only marginally better, 42%, for those that attend 1 to 3 years of primary school.

If girls had access to primary education, premature births could fall by 10%. If all women had a secondary education, premature births could fall by 59%.



Girls with access to education grow up to be women less likely to accept domestic violence, and more likely to have control over resources and make decisions at home. If resources are available, economic opportunities, participation, and autonomy of their bodies also become available, reducing the risk of gender-based violence. For each additional school year, a girl grows to be a woman 10% less likely to believe that domestic or gender-based violence is acceptable.


Girls with access to education grow up to be women with greater possibilities of formal employment. Many women only have access to informal or unpaid jobs, especially if they do not have basic education. Each school year increases your salary by an average of 12%.


Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Girl is free of office and paper, directing all resources to girls.

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